No changes in harmonised maximum clearing price for SDAC from 20 September: it remains at 4,000 EUR/MWh

No changes in harmonised maximum clearing price for SDAC from 20 September: it remains at 4,000 EUR/MWh
On 23 August the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) announced an expected change in the Harmonised Maximum and Minimum Clearing Prices for SDAC, where the harmonised maximum clearing price for the Single Day-Ahead Coupling shall be increased to 5,000 EUR/MWh applied from 20 September 2022 (first trading session).
Please find here the communication from 23 August.
Following confirmation of ACER and EC, and after the publication of the Presidency Summary from Extraordinary TTE (Energy) Council Meeting of 9 September 2022, where it is stated that “Ministers also called for sending a signal of confidence to the electricity market by immediately suspending the automatic increase of the maximum clearing price threshold on the electricity market.”, NEMOs and TSOs are performing all the necessary activities to suspend automatic increase of the maximum clearing price. Therefore, the maximum clearing price will not be increased and will stay at 4,000 EUR/MWh.
NEMOs, in cooperation with TSOs and ACER, are working on the amendment of the HMMCP methodology. The proposal of a new amended methodology will be sent to ACER in September from all NEMOs.
The current HMMCP methodology is available on the NEMO Committee webpage here.
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