07 May 2021: SDAC decoupling training session with market participants successfully conducted – next training to be conducted 3 November
To give market participants the opportunity to validate that they are properly prepared to handle a day-a head market decoupling incident in real operations and real-life conditions, regular training sessions involving all operational parties are being conducted. The trainings sessions with market participants are a lesson learned following the three major incidents that led to a partial decoupling of SDAC.
The latest training session was conducted 3 March and overall received positive feedback from market participants. All parties involved in the training – besides market participants,Transmission System Operators, Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs), Central Clearing Parties and Shadow Auction entities (JAO) – concluded this a very effective way to secure that all parties know what to do in case of a decoupling incident.
Received suggestions on how to make the trainings even more effective are currently being evaluated and will be taken into consideration when organising the next training session, that is planned to take place 3 November 2021.
Further detailed information on this upcoming training session (test scenario, schedule, test environments, etc.) will be provided in due time by the NEMOs and JAO directly to their registered members and clients.
SDAC Communication Note on the next training session
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